Friday, February 18, 2011

Classmates Blogs :)

Karlitza's Blog
 Her blog was very cool i liked what she wrote about her heritage. It surprised me what his uncle passed through, it was very similar to what every single immigrant passed through. Her journal post was really cool,she acted like if she was really from Japan.

Itze's Blog
I love her heritage it was very interesting to read. She must be very proud of being Mexican, Spaniared, and Puerto Rican. I also liked the video she posted. It surprised me to know that Canada had opened their arms to help other people.

Carolina's Blog
Her heritage post was also interesting to read. It got me interested on it all the time. It was interesting because both of our families were brought here to farm and they were also near, who knows if they had met before. I dont know why but I like the topic of racism in America because it makes me want to say all i feel for that, even the word racist is inapropriate and nasty (my opinion).

Irelis's Blog
I love, love, love her post of Puerto Rico's past because it's all true, the fact that Puerto Rico can move to Texas and Colorado like any other American Citizen makes us know that we are different from the rest of Latin Americans. Her journal entry was amazing it seemed like a movie.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Heritage (:

Asking my mom about our heritage was something amazing to hear. Both of my last names are decedent of farmers that were sent to Puerto Rico. My mothers grandfather own land in Maunabo, Puerto Rico one of his son became mayor of Maunabo for years (my mom's uncle), he passed away 4 years ago. My mother's last name decedent are from Brazil and my Father's last name is from Spain, a rich white family that had black slaves in which they gave them their last name. My family is not pure at all it has a mix of Indian, African American, Portuguese, and Slovakian. I am very proud of my heritage.

Current Immigration Issue Video :)

Sometimes I'm disconnected from whats happening in the world and I was searching through you tube and saw this video. I can't believe this., prejudice and discrimination wont stop! I think is very immature what Americans are today thinking. We are all human beings not animals. The congress of Legislature should decide a new law, obligating patrons to have immigrants on their jobs so they could benefit themselves for example federal programs.

The Diary of Paolina

January 26 1891
Dear Diary
 My name is Paolina and your new name will be Daisy. I love Daisies. I am from Verona,Italy and im 17 years old. Today was a very weird day, i woke up thinking about what i was dreaming which was my mom repeating "AMERICAN DREAM" and we receive a mail of dad from America telling us that we might move to the Unites States. I wish we go to America, I've heard that's the only hope for a better life, and my only love lives there now,his name is Giacomo. I never knew why should we move to the U.S. since I realized that Italy was becoming a horrible place to live. Many people are unemployed, there's a high mortality, a little or no medical care at all, a little or no schooling at all too, poor housing, and starvation. we should also be part of the AMERICAN DREAM.

February 27 1891
Dear Daisy
It has being a long time I haven't wrote, but my family and I have been very busy packing to move to the United States (it came true). Right now im in the ship and is very crowded and filthy. I am very hungry. My dad took off first to the US. I heard he is doing better than in Italy. I wonder why there's so much Italians isn't it supposed to be more British than Italians since we take the ship in England? o well that means i wont be alone.
P.S. We will land in the state of New York.

March 20 1891
Dear Daisy,
Sorry for forgetting about you again, I didn't had time to write because people tend to steal things and i was responsible of my stuff. I thought I was going to die of hunger but I didn't. Sometimes we couldn't eat because of the amount of people at the ship(to many), it was horrible but I suppose it's part of it. I'm in an apartment my dad rent until we have enough money to have our own. He had an American friend who helped him a lot. Right now I'm getting a rest, I've been working all day with my mom, like cleaning other people's houses. My mom and I clean the house of a rich American family. They treat us like slaves we are not slaves we are just doing a favor, or is it the same? It's awkward to be in a place of someone you don't know and more if you have notice that they don't like you. I think I want to go back.

May 5, 1891
Dear Daisy
All the work is driving me crazy, my dad working as a laborer is not helping at all and my mom and I can't. I thought that America would help our family situation, but it seems like it doesn't. There's to much discrimination here and I kind off hate dealing with it. Discrimination is so severe that we had to go live in sectors. Italians are located in Ellis Island in New York. So we had to move again which is more work done. Sometimes I regret telling that America was the hope for a better life. Today came the news of violence against Italians in New Orleans. Living in here is getting harder every time, life in Italy was not that hard as here and trust me it wasn't good either.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

History of Italian's Immigration to the US

While some people from all over the world were struggling on their home place somes Italians immigrated to the United States of America. Italy's taxes were very high, people died of diseases like the famine and Italy was also over populated. Poverty and natural disasters were also reasons why Italians immigrated to the United States. Southern Italy illiteracy rate was 70% ten times the rate in England, France and Germany.

Italians were the largest immigration recipient in the United States even thought countries from all over the world were immigrating in search of an easy life. Italians migrated to the U.S. more than any other Europeans. Italians had created a large ethnic group at the U.S.They arrived to New York like any other European immigrant. Italians had their own community which is known as Little Italy because they feared the Irish and German community

Cheap land at the United States was no longer found, so most of Italians became urban. They worked jobs like sewer cleaning, shoe shinning, or rag picking. Italians worked on what ever they were ordered to do. No hard, dirty, or dangerous job could have stopped them from earning money. They are known for accepting any kind of job. Children worked too at a young age.Most of Italians clustered into groups by their place of origin. they were always overcrowded and filthy all over the United States. Italians tend to skimp on food just to save up money. At the late 19th and 20th century most Italians became fish men, shoemakers, waiters, fruit sellers & tradesmen. The majority of Italians were Catholics, but when they arrived to America they discovered that the Catholic Church was dominated by the Irish hierarchy.

Most Italians were unskilled but time passed and they rose up and became skillful. They were known for their diligence and sobriety at jobs as workmen. Italians preferred to work any job other than getting educated and entering a profession. Immigrating to another place at first would be a very difficult situation but to be able to do that people should be extra ready. Immigrating to the United States of America at this time of history might be something that i had always wanted, but people get discriminated by being fromforeign place.

Immigrants Landing at Saint Port

As you can see, they are all men. They are waiting at Ellis Island 1911