Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Changes : Women's Movement

There were different changes done after women had the right to vote. Women had more liberty but they were also discriminated. Men kept treating women like if they were inferior to them, also like if women were not intelligent. When women finally had the opportunity to vote. There were other unfair things that women could not do but like always, women fought for what they most wanted in life. Feminist knew what they wanted. The women's movement had being very long. Many organizations were established after they finally had the chance to vote.

The largest women's right group was name the National Organization for Women (NOW). This organization was seeking to end sexual discrimination.Women had low paying jobs, only men had high paying jobs. In 1969, California became the only state to establish a Divorce Law. This law is about allowing couples to divorce. By 1985 every state had established the same law. Ms Magazine was the first magazine published as a sample insert in New York magazine. Many copies were sold in only 8 days. This magazine became the major forum for feminist voices. The Equal Rights Amendment or ERA was passed by congress and so it could be ratified; it was sent to the states. This amendment said the following: "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." but this amendment had died because it had failed while ratification. Some states believed in abortion. In 1973 the Supreme Court established women's right to safe and legal abortion. If a women is pregnant or might become pregnant they could not deny a job or promotion. The supreme court had also find that sexual harassment is a way of illegal job discrimination.

Women had more liberation after they finally had the chance to vote. Women were discriminated by men everywhere they went. Even though it was at their workplace or anywhere else. In 1994 The Violence Against Women's Act had tightens the federal penalties for sex offenders, funds services for victims of rape and domestic violence, and provides for special training of police officers. Women had a really unfair life and they knew they did, so that is why they fought for what they most wanted.


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